Indian Constitution


Indian constitution is being taught as a compulsory paper to students of all streams of learning in the college  as per the guidelines of the UGC. The department has one full-time faculty, Dr.Padma T. MA, PhD.  It is one of the four subjects which have been made compulsory for students of all courses. The paper is treated on par with the other core subjects and the student has to pass this paper in the same manner that he does the core papers. The department provides additional tests apart from the general evaluation done by the college.  Students also have to prepare two assignments before taking the end semester examination. Dr. T.Padma is also the co-ordinator for the add-on course on ‘Gandhi and Social Development’, and the Convener of the Gandhi Study Cirdle in the College.

Innovative practices:

Students are trained to speak on matters of current interest. The new amendments to the constitution are debated. The syllabus includes in addition to the traditional chapters, some lessons on gender, RTI and environmental issues. The syllabus being interesting is learnt with enthusiasm by students of all courses.

Future Plans:

In the coming years, the department desires to introduce new areas of study like judicial activism, problems of judiciary and problems of government interference.


